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Discover all the foul facts about the Savage Stone Age with history's most horrible headlines. All the foul facts about the Savage Stone Age are ready to uncover, including: what they used instead of toilet paper why a hole in the skull is good for headaches and how to make a Stone Age mummy! fully illustrated throughout and packed with horrible stories - with all the horribly hilarious bits included with a fresh take on the classic Horrible Histories style, perfect for fans old and new the perfect series for anyone looking for a fun and informative read Horrible Histories has been entertaining children and families for generations with books, TV, stage show, magazines, games and 2019's brilliantly funny Horrible Histories: the Movie - Rotten Romans. Get your history right here and collect the whole horrible lot.

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Terry Deary - Horrible Histories : Savage Stone Age (AGE 7+)

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